

Peer reviewed articles

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies

Spirituality and healthcare: Towards holistic people-centred healthcare in South Africa

Original Research - Special Collection: UP Faculty of Theology Centenary Volume One

Author: Andre de la Porte, Centre for Contextual Ministry, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Published: 15 July 2016

HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies

Standing in awe of scientific healthcare

Original Research - Special Collection: Gender Justice and Health and Human Development

Author: Annemarie E. Oberholzer, Department of Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

Published: 25 November 2019

Pharos Journal of Theology

What are the different Christian churches teaching children about illness, pain and suffering?

Author: Dr Annemarie E Oberholzer, Research Fellow, Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa

Published: 2018

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HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies

Children’s experience of holiness in health care. Are we rendering effective spiritual care? 

Author: Dr Annemarie E Oberholzer, Research Fellow, Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa

Published: 2016

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International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being

The Cinderella of positive psychology: spiritual well-being as an emerging dimension of flourishing in pastoral work

Author: Rudolph, E.C. & Barnard, A

Published: 2023

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Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Spiritual Care, Pain Reduction, and Preferred Place of Death Among Advanced Cancer Patients in Soweto, South Africa

Author: Ratshikana-Moloko, M., Ayeni, O., Tsitsi, J.M., Wong, M.L., Jacobson, J.S., Neugut, A.I., Sobekwa, M., Joffe, M., Mmoledi, K., Blanchard, C.L., Mapanga, W., Ruff, P., Cubasch, H., O'Neil, D.S., Balboni, T.A. & Prigerson, H.G.

Published: 2020

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