Explore the work being conducted at our Research Institute and consider joining our research database to receive updates on conferences, seminars, and studies focused on the intersection of spirituality and health.


Everyone involved in the interdisciplinary field of spirituality and health care is very much aware that spirituality is a vital aspect of holistic health care, and that spirituality and religion contribute significantly to the health and wellbeing of patients. However, without proper research to back this statement, this will only remain a belief held by a select few.

The HospiVision Research Institute was founded in 2022, with the main purpose of exploring the link between spirituality and health through multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary research. We envision a world where spirituality is embraced as an intrinsic aspect of the health and well-being of humanity, and an essential part of health care.

Our Objectives

To create dedicated and on-going research capacity to develop knowledge and inform practices.

To conduct and encourage high quality scientific research on the relationship between religion/spirituality and health.

To encourage collaboration and foster intellectual humility amongst academics in the respective fields with the purpose of promoting multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research.

To establish relationships with national research entities as well as with international research institutions in the field of spirituality and health to increase collaboration in research and access to research findings.

To host research workshops with the intention of encouraging the use of multiple methodologies in research on religion, spirituality, and health.

To create platforms for sharing research results through Conferences, Workshops, Social media and Newsletters.

International Research Institutions for Spirituality and Health